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Certificate in Israel Education

The Certificate in Israel Education program aims to deepen educators’ understanding of the pedagogy around teaching Israel using primary sources and other techniques to reach 21st-century learners.


Eligibility: This certificate program is open to educators at active IsraelLINK schools committed to using at least five (5) hours of IsraelLINK classroom content during the 2023/2024 school year. Participants are expected to attend at least three (3) virtual workshops and the in-person summit.


Note: this program is generously subsidized through the Etta & David Jonas Israel Educators Fellowship. This enables us to waive participation fees for this pilot cohort and provide limited travel stipends. However, we are requiring a $50 deposit to be returned in full upon completion of the certificate program.


Registration Closes: Feb. 9, at 4 pm (US Pacific)


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