IsraelLINK Generations is a three-part series for parents of middle school students. This new initiative is designed to provide the tools parents need in order to have complex conversations about Israel with their children. With our innovative and evidence-based Israel education resources, participants will develop, shape, and mold a shared understanding of and relationship with Israel.

Stand Up To Hate
The IsraelLINK Stand Up to Hate series empowers students and parents by building critical thinking and advocacy skills while identifying the links between 21st-century antisemitism and its historical roots. Presentation topics include: Media Bias & Propaganda, Loaded Language, and The Holocaust. These presentations explore the nature of news transmission and teach participants the necessary media literacy skills to critically evaluate what they see, hear, and experience in today's world.
Media Bias & Propaganda:
Antisemitism comes at us from all directions, be it through traditional news sources, social media, or simply through conversations with our friends. But how can we be sure that what we are reading, seeing, or repeating is the whole picture? And how can we be sure that what we tell others is correct? This presentation explores the nature of news transmission and teaches participants the skills necessary to critically evaluate the information for accuracy and bias, especially in light of rising antisemitism today.
Loaded Language:
We’re all familiar with the idea that communication is a two-way street. Sometimes we might say (or post) things that others find deeply offensive, whether we meant to or not. This can be because we don’t fully understand the cultural memory or historical trauma associated with specific terms or because some definitions have been intentionally misappropriated. This presentation explores some of the most commonly loaded slurs, symbols, stereotypes, and conspiracy theories that plague Jews today. Participants will leave the session better to engage with the consequences of their communication choices so that they can be more mindful in the future.

Israel Live Tour
Join one of our in-house expert tour guides on a personalized tour streamed live from Israel's most famous sites. Each tour is tailored to the needs and wants of your school, making this the perfect way to showcase Israel's history from your classroom.
All tours are guided in private groups of up to 50, combining history, storytelling, and trivia for an unforgettable experience for all ages.